
How To Ingrain Emotion Insights Into Your UX Research

Watch this On-Demand presentation by Lava Kumar, CPO, and Founder of Entropik Tech at UX360 Research Summit 2022.

March 30, 2023

Every company wants to create the best user experience for its customers, but how is that even possible without understanding the users’ emotions?

95% of decision-making is subconscious, which drives the actions of a user on a website or a mobile app. So it’s safe to say that companies that spend on capturing and understanding their user’s emotions get a higher ROI.

Watch this On-Demand presentation by Lava Kumar, CPO, and Founder of Entropik Tech at UX360 Research Summit 2022.

You will learn how Emotion AI technologies like Facial Coding and Eye Tracking capture and analyze users’ attention and engagement levels across various stages of user research.

  • Why emotions should take center stage in creating a human-centric design.
  • How does emotion AI enable researchers to develop the best user experience at separate phases of the design flow?
  • How does the combination of eye-tracking and screen recordings change the game of UX/UI?

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